Ideally, every house would look like a model home before it goes on the market. But so often, there's just not a budget big enough for it. Every seller feels the squeeze, especially when considering they are often paying for inspections, reports, commissions, and more. Of course, good money spent on the right things to get a listing ready to go on the market yields a hefty return on investment. But what do you do if you simply don't have the funds?

For a second, just think if one percent of the world threw out their tub in a landfill. That's a lot of bathtubs to think about. If you're an environmental nut, you can be assured that your tub won't be taking up space in a landfill near your home.
If you don't like the sound of the refinishing job, and you're reluctant to pay for a professional to do the job for you, there is another option to consider. You can have a a bath tub liner custom-made for your tub. This liner will fit like a glove and cover up a multitude of scratches and stains. Keep in mind that this option isn't appropriate if your tub isn't in basically-sound condition, and it won't be a permanent fix for your problems.
Is Their Warranty Transferable? What if you end up selling your property during the five year warranty period? It's important to find out if your warranty is transferable. Most Bathtub Resurfacing Contractors don't allow you to transfer your warranty, if you sell your property. If a problem arises after closing, you could be responsible, if you are no longer covered! Companies that try to cut corners on their warranties are unlikely to honor them in the reglazing tub event a real problem arises. They are looking for any excuse they can find to avoid fulfilling their responsibility to their clients!
The next step is to cover the area where tub refinishing will not be applied. Those areas have to be covered with paper tape. Exercise caution when you are covering those areas with tape. Ensuring a good seal is of cardinal importance. After you have sealed up the rest of the area apply base coat to the tub. During this process ventilation is of utmost importance and should be ensured. Putting on your respirators is also a good idea if you have one. Go through the directions of the manufacturers and mix the primer's component accordingly. Spray it on the tub with the help of a spray gun or a similar device.
Your contractor may or may not use a bathroom remodeling check list. If you have one, however, you can ask that it be used. It will keep costs in line with the budget. It will be your game plan. It may also get you back into your bath tub restoration sooner.
If you decide to do it yourself, you will need to purchase a bathtub resurfacing kit. There are several kits available, with varying paint and finish types. So although these bathtub resurfacing kits are used in the same or similar way across the board, make sure you pick one that will match the color and sheen that you want.
WARNING - You should be fully and objectively advised on all walk-in tub options and prices, and installation pricing options, so you can decide how you want to invest your money. You should be able to decide if you want to buy a Kia, or a Bentley, or something in between.
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